Saturday, April 25, 2009

Catching up..

Braydon is now 15 months! I can hardly believe my baby is already so big. This first year has flown by, but after he turned one it seems like the months are passing faster than before. Braydon is busy and constantly on the move. Not one for talking much yet, but he points to everything and makes a grunt that sounds like a question (very advanced-I know...I will post a video soon). Everywhere we go people tell me he looks like a little surfer that nice for your baby boy needs a haircut?? (he has had 2 btw :) ) He is warming up to the idea of his Mommy holding Lyla, his 4 mo old cousin-he used to cry in a jealous fit...Rowdy thinks he is ready to be a big brother-me not so much yet.... ;)

Since the weather has been so nice we try and stay outside as much as possible...Here are some pics of what we have been up to lately!