So my almost 18 month loves to be rocked to sleep. This is something Braydon decided he loved about 3 months ago. Before that, I would lay him in his crib and within minutes he was out. I have to admit, I love ending our day together in the rocking's our sweet, special time together. I know it's not babywise, but I love love love it!! Rocking your baby to bed is what life is all about...and I am so glad mine lets me! Anyway, so I am singing to him tonight "rock a bye baby" and after I finish he claps for me...It made me laugh so hard that I woke my sleepy boy from his slumber and he started giggling and clapping more. Really?? How cute is that!!
Before the bedtime sweetnesss, we had a great playdate at the swim park in Stacie's neighborhood with Maureen & Daniel, Stacie & Hudson, Lisa & Campbell, and Lauren & Holden. While we were at the playdate, I am telling the other Mom's about how Braydon is like a billy goat-he will literally eat anything. IT's TERRIBLE!!! He ate a hornet-scary!!! He ate bird poop-disgusting! But today topped all! On the way out to the car...He ate a cigarette-that's just terrible. So my child's breath smelled of cigarettes! I felt like I caught my 18 mo smoking. I just could not get the smell off his breath. Smoker breath on my baby boy so NOT cute!
These pics don't really go with the post, but I like posts with pics!