Sunday, December 27, 2009

Poor B! Why do weird things always happen on the weekends?

He really hasn't had the paci that much..
I can't deprive my sick guy ;(
The oatmeal bath was unsuccessful
and ended pretty teary...
Poor guy!
Not what I thought I would use my new camera for, but
I wanted to make sure Dr G knew exactly how his rash is changing..

This Sunday a.m. Braydon woke up with a little bit of a rash near his ears..I thought he slept really hard and it would fade after a few minutes. I was wrong.  Poor little guy looked terrible about an hour later...his face was swollen, his nose, eyes and cheeks were puffy and he had these terrible red marks all over his body.  So after two trips to urgent care we "think" he may be having a  reaction or maybe a virus of some sort....I can't wait to get our little guy to Dr G tomorrow so we can find out what is going on.  For now the Children's Benadryl is doing the trick, but both of our hearts break when we watch our little B itchy and annoyed with this rash...Is it always after hours or on the weekends that something weird comes up with your baby?? Or is it just us??  We count our blessings for a healthy boy...nothing worse than a sick baby.  


Ashley and Matt Sheehan said...

poor little man! that hasn't happened to us yet, but it's all just a matter of time :) hope you are feeling good momma

The Redman Family said...

Poor baby boy! I hope he gets to feeling least you got great shots of such a precious little bottom! :)

Unknown said...

poor lil guy! ava got hives from a new pair of polyester pj's this holiday fun. but baby zyrtec did the trick! hopefully it's just a random allergic reaction to something and you may never know what it was! hope he's all better now!!