Saturday, December 18, 2010

Potty Training!

Mr Big Stuff!!

I am so proud of this little guy. We are off to a pretty good start! Wednesday: B woke up and we put on big boy undies and we were 2 for 2 and had 2 accidents after that. Brooks wasn't feeling well so we went to the doctor and B would NOT leave the house in undies, so I didn't fight him and we wore diapers the 2nd half of the day. Oh well. Thursday: B had his last day of school so I decided it was a waste to push the potty training. Friday: Playdate Christmas party go on potty training. Saturday: We dove into FULL on potty training. We have had his little potty in every room in the house today and he has done SOOOO good! He only had three small accidents and basically went on the potty every 20 to 30 minutes. He ran errands with Rowdy and he stayed dry in between stops and pottied in the back of the car when needed. He napped in undies and stayed dry!!! He even played at his best buddy Hudson's house and kept up the momentum with his potty training (Hudson was so proud of B that he decided to wear big boy undies too-so cute) Later today we went to main street to see Santa fly in on a parachute and Braydon had no accidents for over 3 hours of no potty. I am so proud of him and I am so happy to see him so proud of himself. I hope day 2 goes as well! For now, I will just call today a success.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am Glad i came across this blog.Added to my bookmark!